Introducing Freemixr - the ultimate spatial songverse editor for the next generation of immersive creators. Freemixr lets you create stunning visual experiences in real-time, synced perfectly to your music with a clap of your hands!
Imagine manipulating visual and audio effects on the fly, to create a truly immersive and interactive experience for your audience.
Freemixr is easy to use, with a simple, intuitive and playful interface built for the Quest 2 & Pro headsets. You can easily import your own music and remix from our extensive library of visual/audio effects. Our software also allows you to add effects, filters, and manipulate your videos in 3D space.
How we built it
We continuously kept our time limit in mind even when great ideas were encountered. We monitored the project tasks split between members and balanced where to pool brainpower and when to merge our changes. Merging changes we found took considerable time so we determined the best milestones to accomplish before committing to changes. Pair programming allowed multiple people to quickly get through and understand the project tasks, and provided continuous feedback while working. Bouncing ideas and communicating regularly prevent divergent complications.
The base idea for this project could have gone in many different directions. We could imagine all kinds of features all day, however we could not implement everything in the time given. We needed to select features that were core to our goal and provided the most delightful experience. Specific challenges included operating on objects on the timeline that represented a visual effect in space, designing a VR UI that best represented the actions available.
We are proud of Depth Controller for visualizing Audio & Visual effects Playful clap interactions for spawning VFXs Having fun jamming ideas together
What we learned
Thinking in terms of depth can be tricky. Width vs Length vs Height, or xyz coordinates, are best kept organized. A point of confusion occurred while mapping an audio waveform onto a plane that extends forward. This required a rotation of 90 degrees counterclockwise and forward. Audio height became width and audio width became length. Our understanding of dimensions is directly applicable to creating in 3D space.
To make grand ideas concrete, scoping early and finding a specific use case is critical.
What's next for freemixr
- Extending more effects that are user generated
- Keyframe features
- More songs, backgrounds
- Support lyrics
- More polish on interesting hand interactions to control audio visualizations
- Multiplayer
View freemixr 2.0 Bezel Prototype